Extra virgin olive oil from the Favarelle farm of Pantelleria
Pantellolio is an extra-virgin olive oil:
- with a very low level of acidity (0,1-0,2%)
- with a high percentage of non saturated faths and biophenols important anti-oxidants
- filtered and bottled in neutral atmosphere (nitrogen)
- obtained from Bio-certified olives harvested manually and mechanically milled
The olive trees own by Azienda Agricola Favarelle are grown in two of the best known areas in Pantelleria for the production of extravirgin olive oil and zibibbo grapes: Favarelle/Benimingallo on the top of a hill in front at the Mediterranean sea at 340 m. of altitude, Monatero valley where in an historic dammuso (the traditional Pantelleria buikding) is placed the mill.
The olive growe is about five hectars large and count 350 olive trees of whoom about the 50% are over 150 years old.
Today we grow three different cultivars: biancolilla (cru Favarelle) that is the autochnothous Pantelleria's three, Nocellara (cru Benimingallo) a famous Sicilianan variety and FS17 (cru Monastero) created successfully by CNR (the Italian National Research Center). The quantity produced goes year by year from 2 to 3 metric tons. The olive trees are pruned in order to defend them from the winds shaping them as large bushes close to the ground. In this conditions the harvesting can be done only manually.