Our story
The birth of Favarelle farm
We landed in Pantelleria for the first time many years ago for Easter. The island was green and flourished, the colours and perfumes bewiched us. We went around to know better the Island, we were back again a couple of time and at the end we decided to live in front at the sea between olive trees and zibibbo grapes. We were lucky to see an old olive grove, overgrown since 50 years about, and we decided to bring it back to production.
Few years and the wisdom of the local farmers were necessary to achieve our objective. Now they are again large olive trees with the branches close to the ground protected from the winds, We begin to produce olive oil for the family consumption and for some gift to close friends, we learned how to increase the quality of our production also with the valid help of international consultants for milling processes, of mill technicians and studying some doctoral thesis. We have not finished, our objective is the top quality and we are prepared to a never ending learning process. With these values was found the Azienda Agricola Favarelle.
Till 2011 our company was part of the Consorzio degli olivicoltori di Pantelleria ( a consortium among the extra-virgin olive oil producers). The consortium has been dissolved but it was important because a technical production disciplinary was developed that now is a reference for us.
In 2007 the oil produced by the consrtium was presented to 3 national and international selections: the Feinshmecker selection Ambourg and judged as one of the best olive oil produced in the world. The concorso olio capitale in Triest and indicated between the five best Italian light fruity olive oils. The Selezione "l'Olio" of the Italian Foundation of Oil Somelliers that mentioned the oil in their best Italian extra-virgin olive oils.
In 2016, the Azienda Agricola Favarelle has obtained the excellence rank, as a company, with the "five drops" from the Italian Foundation of olive oil someliers with the following motivation: "we are convinced that the quality of the oils is the exact mirror of the quality of the companies that produce it, we are sure that a high quality company will never produce a low quality oil because it can prevent, by its knowledge and experience a low quality olive oil season and if it will be inevitable a high quality company will not sell the product".(from: www.bibenda.it/guidaonline.php) For these reasons we assigned the "5 drops" to the companies".