Pantellolio, extra virgin olive oil

Pantellolio, extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil from the Favarelle farm of Pantelleria

Our guidelines

Procedures and guidelines

Our guide lines

Fight against weeds and pests

We started the formal procedure for the organic cultivation (bio): horticultural defence trought integated struggle, in particular against the olive tree fly. It is excluded the chemical weeding.


The harvesting on the trees is perfomed exclusively manually.

Harvesting time and milling

The harvesting time start at the beginning of the veraison and ends in fifteen days. The olives are milled whitin four ours fron their harvesting. The olives are carried to the mill in certified alimentary boxes and stored ia a cold room till the milling.


Production process

The olives are harvest carefuly by hands, stored in alimentary certified 20 kg containers and milled within four hours from the harvesting.

Olive al frantoio

Olive production by suface

Our policy is to maintain a very low production by hectare (1000 kg vs 7000 max).

Extraction index

The extraction index is contained within the 10-15% around the 80% of extracted oil on the oil contained.

Lab analysis

Lab results (italian only)